Solar tile house paint - This animation illustrates the use of tiny solar tiles that could actually be inside of paint that you could put on your house. In this animation the paint is used on the roof, which would be the best place for solar tiles. When the sunlight hits the solar paint, you create energy that you use to run appliances and lighting in your home. Solar tile paint would be extremely cheap and durable because they are manufactured to molecular precision. Click here to watch the movie (.mov 10,620kb). Or - Click here to watch the avi (.avi 9.85mb).

Scroll down to see more images.

The house:


Solar tiles:


Circuit breaker:


Lights on:

The top house image was featured on the PBS Nova "New Ways to Catch Sun Rays" coverage
starting on 4.3.07. This special is a segment under the umbrella of Saved by the Sun Is it time
to Take Solar Energy Seriously?
Which is a companion web presence for a show that will air
April 24th, 2007.
Click here to visit my gateway. The two images below are screenshots from the site, the top
image is the front page, when the Launch interactive link is clicked it brings up th window you
see below in the second images.

This second image is what you see when you click the interactive link. Click here to view.
Click the third thumbnail in from the right (selected in orange in the image below) to select my image and related write up.

Click here for the Nova credits page.

Copyright Gina Miller 1998-2007 - images are not to be used or reproduced without permission of the artist

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